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Outcomes Assessment Committee

In fall of 2015 the full faculty voted by majority to create a standing committee called the Outcomes Assessment Committee. This committee is chaired by the Coordinator for Assessment and is comprised of representatives from each academic school (School of Science, Technology & Health, School of Online & Extended Learning, School of Creative & Media Arts, School of Business, and School of Criminal Justice & Social Sciences). The Provost, AVPAA, Dean of Assessment and Accreditation and the Dean’s designee from each school will sit as ex-officio members.

The Tiffin University OA Committee is charged with developing a campus “Culture of Evidence” in which data and assessment play a key role in academic decision making. The group meets monthly to explore ways to systematically evaluate assessment processes and streamline data collection for program learning outcomes. It further works to support accreditation efforts and to ensure that assessment practices are centrally coordinated, but highly flexible to meet the interests of the academic programs, departments, and colleges. Additional responsibilities include developing an assessment calendar, maintaining meeting minutes and organizing sub-committees, as appropriate.

2023-2024 Committee:

Members: Nicholas Reinhard – Chair, Diane Schmalleger, Christopher Boehler, Andy Faber, Shannon McKeehen

Ex-Officio: Stacey Floyd, Matthew McCabe, Stephanie Opfer, Peter Holbrook, Terry Sullivan, Erin Dean, Kerry Jones, Diego Hernandez, Michelle Maus

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.